
2023 was a productive year for OSE with 9 new spinouts launched, 32 additional companies financed and significant momentum across our portfolio of Deep Tech, Life Sciences and Health Tech.

Our team of experienced investors and company builders continued to grow as we welcomed Ed Bussey as our new CEO and introduced the position of Chief Investment Officer, appointing Jack Edmondson.

We continue to work with our partners and co-investors to build a vibrant spinout ecosystem in Oxford.

Read on for a selection of 2023 highlights...

What people are saying

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Driving the development of

Next-generation hardware supporting the AI revolution

Novel therapies for cancer, rare, and retinal diseases

New approaches to clean energy

Digital tools for better drugs and health outcomes

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Raised across the portfolio: £148m from OSE, and £220m+ from UK and international co-investors. New investments in two later-stage companies.

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